How do you answer the phones at your law firm?
If you’re part of the 60% of law firms answering with, “Law Office”, you’re on wrong the track.
And why is that?
The Way You Answer Your Phones is Your Firm’s First Impression
It’s like they say: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Science has shown that first impressions are so concrete, even learning opposing facts about someone can’t change them.
Potential clients are likely calling through a list of attorneys looking for the best fit. The way you answer their call is just as important as answering it at all.
A good first impression will pave the way to a good relationship.
First impressions are permanent impressions
How to Answer Your Law Firm’s Phones
There are plenty of factors to consider, but it’s simple at its core.
Introduce Your Firm
It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to introduce your firm when you pick up the phone.
No more of these “Law Office” generic greetings.
When a potential client is calling a list of attorneys, stressed about their case, looking for the best option, you want your name in their head right away. And you want your name associated with the positive first impression you’re about to give them.
By the time a potential client hangs up the phone, it’s likely they won’t remember the name of the firm they just called if you don’t provide it.
The best ways to answer phones always include an introduction
Offer Assistance
The person who is asking the questions is the person who is in control of the call.
Take control of the phone call immediately – follow up your introduction by offering assistance in the form of a question.
Adjust Your Tone
Confidence is key. And there’s nowhere that is more true than in the legal field.
- Know what you’re going to say before you reach for the phone.
Stumbling and hesitation will decrease your callers’ confidence in you. You might lead potential clients to think…
“Do they know what they’re doing?”
“Do they know what they’re talking about?”
“Have they not done this many times?”
- Smile!
Yes, it comes through over the phone, and yes it makes you sound more confident.
And subconsciously or not, it is recognizable.
If you’re happy, comfortable, and at ease, you come across as more confident. And therefore, more capable and professional.
With all of this in mind, here are some examples of the best ways to answer your law firm’s phones.
The Best Ways To Answer Phones
You have options when it comes to picking a greeting. Not everything is applicable to every firm, and some things just won’t be your cup of tea, but each of the following is guaranteed to start your calls on the right foot.
Answering phone calls with a cheerful “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” gives your caller that conversational friendliness without spending time on longer pleasantries:
- “Good (Morning/Afternoon), thank you for calling (Law Firm Name). How may I assist you?”
- “Good (Morning/Afternoon), this is (Law Firm Name). What can we help you with today?”
- “Good (Morning/Afternoon), (Law Firm Name), this is _____. How may I assist you?”
Introducing yourself is another friendly way to connect with your callers:
- “(Law Firm Name), this is _____. How may I direct your call?”
- “Thank you for calling (Law Firm Name), this is _____. How can I help you today?”
- “You’ve reached (Law Firm Name). My name is _____. What can I assist you with?”
If your law firm requires a call recording disclosure, it doesn’t have to sound clunky or uncomfortable:
- “Good(Morning/Afternoon), you’ve reached (Law Firm Name). All calls are recorded for quality assurance. How may I assist you?”
- “Hello, this is (Law Firm Name). Your call will be recorded. How can I help you today?”
If you have a complicated triage, get started right away:
- “(Good Morning/Afternoon), (Law Firm Name). Do you know who you’re calling for?”
- “Thank you for calling (Law Firm Name)! Are you calling with a new legal matter we can help you with?”
- “Hello, you’ve reached (Law Firm Name). Are you a current client of ours?”
- “(Law Firm Name), _____ speaking. Are you calling regarding a current case?”
If you want to keep it as simple as possible, there are a couple of shortcuts that still sound professional:
The most important factor is to never skip introducing your firm.
- “Good (Morning/Afternoon), (Law Firm Name).”
- “Hello, you’ve reached (Law Firm Name).”
- “(Law Firm Name), how can I assist you?”
A person’s favorite word is their name. Using callers’ names with in the first few seconds of the phone call can make a huge difference in connecting with your caller:
- “Good (Morning/Afternoon)! This is (Law Firm Name). Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”
- “You’ve reached (Law Firm Name), this is _____. Who am I speaking with today?”
Don’t have time for all this? Request a call with our Growth Solutions Strategist to discover how we can customize your call handling and answer your phones in the best possible way for your law firm.